is a non-for profit company that designs open source electrophysiology systems, and promotes related open source neuroscience projects.
is an open high-channel count electrophysiology system.
is an open source EEG, EKG and EMG system.
is an open source software framework for processing and controlling data streams. It is used in Neuroscience for behavior measurement.
is an open source system for educational electrophysiology.
is a blog about open source bioscience tools.
is a website that aggregates open source neuroscience tools and methods.
is an open source robot that pipettes fluids for molecular biology research.
is an open source psychophysics toolbox for MATLAB and GNU Octave.
is an open community bioscience lab in New York.
is a Bio lab (in a bus!) that brings school students together with otherwise cost-prohibitive bioscience technologies.
is a Linux distro pre-loaded with open source neuroscience research software.
is developing a scalable 1000+ channel electrophysiology system for use with silicon probes. Their open source ARM microcontroller platform, Maple, powered the first generation Pulse Pal.
maintains ScanImage 5, an open source neuroimaging acquisition system.
is open source software for real-time instrument control and data acquisition
is a miniaturized open source fluorescence microscope for imaging neural signals during awake behavior in rodent.
developed FP3002, a cutting edge system for fiber photometry with open source firmware and acquisition software.
is a food dispenser and operant behavior measurement device.