I'm working off of a linear treadmill protocol. Anything we've done previously has only needed 2 threshold events, but now I need 4. From what I can tell this should work fine, but I'm getting 2 events and never reaching the third no matter what I do.
I set up my thresholds (lets say [10 20 40 60] arbitrarily, but I've checked they are values that should exist before the lap resets) and added them to the "thresholds" field, and I look for events "RotaryEncoder1_1", "RotaryEncoder1_2", "RotaryEncoder1_3", "RotaryEncoder1_4" to initiate different states. Events "RotaryEncoder1_1" and "RotaryEncoder1_2" trigger as predicted, but then we get stuck in the state that waits for "RotaryEncoder1_3".
I know it's not an issue of crossing the threshold while still in a previous state as I'm manually moving the treadmill quite slowly, and I can see the state transitions occur before I reach where "RotaryEncoder1_3" should be.
Is there anywhere I could be missing changing a 2 to a 4 or something else I should be considering?