Hi Veronica,
With its default WavePlayer firmware, the analog output module can play waveforms you program into it in advance.
To create a waveform of clicks in MATLAB, you'd do the following (assuming your sampling rate is 50kHz)
MyWave = zeros(1,500000);
This will play 0V at each of 50,000 samples per second, lasting for 10 seconds.
Then, at each position where you want to play a click, change two samples from [0 0] to:
[1 -1]
So two clicks 100 microseconds apart would look like:
...0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0...
Once you have the waveform you want, you can load it to the WavePlayer with the loadWaveform() method. Assuming you initialized the WavePlayer as 'W', it would be:
W.loadWaveform(3, MyWave); % Load the waveform as Wave# 3
Then, you can trigger it from the MATLAB command line with:
W.Play(1:4, 3); % Play waveform 3 on channels 1-4
Please let us know if this works for you!