I've been having an issue loading sounds onto the Hifi module. Intermittently while running a behavior session, it will get stuck in the port write (particularly line 284 of the HiFi module code) and requires physically disconnecting and reconnecting the USB to interrupt the wave transfer and get Bpod and Bcontrol to recognize the hifi module again. After the first few times this happened, I pushed the firmware again and had about a week of normal use before the issue started cropping up again every 500 trials or so. Any ideas on how to get around this?
Because we generate new stimulus sounds each trial, this has been happening during training when the next stimulus/trial is being loaded. It is also being written to the same slot in memory as the trial before, though I haven't had this issue either using an AOM to generate stimulus sounds on the same setup or using a different Hifi module on an identical setup and protocol.
Thanks in advance for any help!