Additionally, we used some code found on the forum and ran into the same issue. Changing GenerateSineWave to GenerateWhiteNoise did indeed produce the white noise, so it seems that there is an issue with GenerateSineWave itself. Here is the code we tested:
clear H;
%Initialize HiFi object.
H = BpodHiFi('COM9'); %Replace 'COM13' with serial port name of HiFi module.
H.SamplingRate = 96000;
%Generate a sin wave for sound
CueASound = GenerateWhiteNoise(96000, 5, 1, 2); %<--- [Changed from GenerateSineWave(H.SamplingRate, 1000, 5)]
% Choose volume
H.DigitalAttenuation_dB = 0;
% Send the sound
H.load(1, CueASound, 'LoopMode', 1);
% Play the sound;
A final note is that the white noise that does play is fairly quiet. There is no attenuation added, so it should be playing at max volume.