I have a 8 channel analog output module rev1.1 connected to a r2 state machine and have been trying to play sounds by connecting the module to a speaker with a built in amplifier (Adam A5x). Using this set up I seem limited to producing at most 80 decibels, but when I hook the computer up to the speaker I can easily exceed 100. And have tested the newest versions of both WavePlayer and AudioPlayer. What if anything could explain this discrepancy? I have tested the output using an oscilloscope and it is faithfully reproducing every waveform I give it. I tested different voltage ranges from +-.1V to +-12V without any increase in volume, except for a decrease under +-.2V. Is it possible my speaker simply isn't optimized for the output from the AO module due to an impedance mismatch or something? If so, is there a combination of amplifier and speaker you would recommend for auditory mouse behavior experiments?
Thanks so much for your time,